Woca Intensive Wood Care 750ml

Woca Intensive Wood Cleaner Spray 750ml Information For basic cleaning (wetting) as well as deep cleaning of all treated and untreated surfaces: Intensive Wood Cleaner is a product specially developed for cleaning all indoor wood surfaces such as furniture, floors, kitchen tables, etc.
It is suitable for untreated, oiled or painted surfaces.
Intensive Wood Cleaner is a priming cleaning agent that is suitable for particularly stubborn stains or before treating a surface with oil, varnish or soap, for example.
โ€ข For untreated, oiled, waxed, varnished or soaped wooden interior surfaces.
โ€ข Prepares surfaces for additional treatment.
โ€ข Basic cleaning and grease removal.
โ€ข Highly efficient.

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SKU: 216360 Category: